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Online Masterclass: Change Readiness

Online Masterclass Change Readiness: how change readiness can help catch the winds – of change – in your sails. Register for free!  

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Large or complex organisations are often likened to oil tankers that are hard to turn when change is needed. They are metaphorically juxtaposed to swiftly moving, agile and innovative organisations that are seen as speed boats. This may all be well and good, but comparisons like that are faulty: a tanker will never be a speed boot while a speed boot can never equal a tanker’s  force, mass and stability.

When it comes to change and organisations, we to suggest a new metaphor: imagine you are sailing, whether you are on a large three-master or a small yacht. The main thing is to adjust your route and sails’ position to the circumstances you encounter.

Learning to easily deal with six aspects of change, will help in catching the wind in your sails  for any change your organization has to make! Because you will be Change Ready!

  1. Change Leadership
  2. Past experiences
  3. Safety and confidence
  4. Resourceful and resilient people
  5. Creative and solution-oriented culture
  6. Agile structure and management

Would you like to learn more about the six aspects? Join our live and free online Masterclasses with Involve’s Anneke en Daniëlle! Register NOW for ‘Change Readiness’ (limited number of participants admitted for optimal interaction).

Thirty years of Involve

In 2024, we at Involve celebrate our 30h birthday. We would like to do so together with you, for instance by inviting you to attend this free Masterclass. In case you would like to know more about our 30 year jubilee events, register for our Involve newsletter to make sure you do not miss out!


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