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Change and Communications

We work for ambitious clients determined to move their organisations forward. They may be at the start of impactful transformations or reorganisations or may be involved in mergers or acquisitions. In any case, they believe that organisational change is about people. Like we do. We design and facilitate change processes targeted at enabling people to make the change. Our process designs incorporate setting a clear direction that people can relate and connect to as well as including room for them to participate in the change process actively and contribute to their organisation’s future in doing so.

The blind spot in IT projects: behaviour as a success factor

Why system implementation will not be successful without change management and yet we often forget all about it.

Change Made Simple

In 2022, Ilse van Ravenstein and Michiel van Delden published “Change Made Simple”. One of the many fascinating topics in the book is “How to engage employees in organisational changes so they start ‘owning’ them?

Our clients

Three learnings for EPR implementation

How to get the medical professionals on board? Because this change involves more than just a new system and it's implementation.

Restructuring respectfully

Philips, Meta, Twitter and Microsoft. Just a few of the many companies that announced large restructuring in the past months. Elon Musk’s take on restructuring is not much to the Dutch liking. But then, what constitutes ‘good’ restructuring? Bas van Glabbeek, who has supported countless clients in restructuring, talks about the phenomenon.


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