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Strategy delivery

How to turn strategies or multi-year plans into reality? The key element here is alignment in our view: ensuring that all in the organisation share the same ambitions and priorities and feel involved in delivering on them. Another major aspect is carefully executing strategic programs and the extent in which they land well in organisations. A vital last dimension is embedding the results in management control and other business processes.

We often get involved prior to the start of change processes, because aligning organisations with change demand a truly directional strategy first and foremost. We help boards of directors and management teams to take clear strategic choices for the future – avoiding working from the perspective of ‘the ivory tower’ only and purposefully incorporating the perspectives of the diverse groups of colleagues in the organsation too. Subsequently, we design a pragmatic strategy to involve managers and employees, ensuring there is room for them to discuss the impact of the strategic choices on operations and projects together, with the purpose of integrating the new strategic direction in everyday work processes.

When strategy delivery demands multiple change programs, we also offer support in change and communication and change leadership.


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