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Workshops, Training and Inspiration

Which challenges is your organisation or team facing?  Who needs to assume leading roles to tackle them? What do they need to take on their roles as best they can? Is training required? Or do you as professional seek inspiration for developing change and communications strategies?

Based on our 30-year experience, we can provide support by training courses, or by having our consultants talk at your conferences or events or facilitate inspiration workshops. All these options can be integrated into change strategies, professionalisation trajectories, or development processes.

All our training courses and inspiration workshops centre around interactivity and involving participants. We trigger people to think – and think again – about the topic or their own related roles, while empowering them to apply their learnings in their daily work. To allow for that, we will closely link up any training to the participants’ context and here and now.

1. Training

Training is of great value when it fully resonates with what is going on in organisations and triggers new insights and ideas. We never run our training courses on a one-size-fits-all premise; in all cases, we will look closely at what is needed specifically, together with our clients. To improve participants’ impact in interacting with the relevant people around them, we often draw from the  ideas of our partner Subconscious Impact (SI). If you have a specific training query, do not hesitate to contact us.

Examples of workshops we can develop and run for you:

  • Workshop Change Leadership
  • Workshop Change Readiness
  • Workshop Check the results of change
  • Workshop Effectively communicating with teams
  • Workshop Change Communications

2. Training and workshops as part of change

Many changes task (informal) leaders with operating in new and distinctive ways, that differ from everyday management. So, most of our change strategies for clients entail training or workshops on change leadership. Made to measure, they are fully in sync with the change at hand as well as the people tasked with effecting change.

3. Inspiration sessions and guest speakers

You may well have encountered Involve consultants on stage or in podcasts, such as Michiel van Delden, Involve managing partner, or Involve’s founding partner and author of twelve books Ilse van Ravenstein.

Our speakers can help define and design internal get-togethers on change in your organization, whether launching a new or renewed strategy, regular townhalls, leadership days, kick-offs of mergers or change processes, work sessions or awaydays. We can develop a multitude of ways to work on change interactively,  with a focus on the change’s meaning and intent, and on creating lasting impact.

Contact us for more information

In case you would like to discuss the options we can offer, you are welcome to contact or call us.

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